Re: What's wrong with "professional" paintball players
In Reply to: What's wrong with "professional" paintball players posted by spongebob on October 26, 2003 at 02:39:27:
Posted by: SARGE on October 26, 2003 at 12:11:27
: Why are we always hearing about "professional" paintball players cheating, whining, swearing, etc.? Why? Because the Sponsors, the Team Capt,s sure won't, will not enforce any kind of moral behavior on their representatives. It's all ok with them just as long as they wipe, err win. They have been allowed to do whatever they want for so long now, most think it's ok to act any way they feel. : If any of you have ever been to a World Cup then you will see a whole lot of this going on. Professional paintball players are supposed to be just that, professional. What kind of pro sneeks into the trees and starts shooting onto the playing field? Okay that was last year, now this year we have players giving the refs such a hard time that the refs are resigning. If just one sponsor would clamp down on this behavior, it would hopefully start a trend. Responsiblity for your own actions should be the catch word for all of Paintball. How many times have we heard about a pro athlete being suspended, fined, or even banned because of his actions? Everywhere but in our sport. Because the sponsors will not get involved. Pepsi, Coke, or even Budweiser doesn't want a pediphile, druggy, or a criminal representing them to the general public. But, in our sport no one cares how they act or what they do. : Professionals and other top notch teams should be setting the example for the rest us, especially impressionable teen players who are looking up to these guys. : Teams on a local level also need to start shaping up. Stop swearing and arguing. Instead, give a good impression to the newbies and the parents who show up to play/watch. Be friendly to them, don't act cocky. I commend those who are already doing these things.
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