Re: What's wrong with "professional" paintball players
In Reply to: Re: What's wrong with "professional" paintball players posted by SARGE on October 26, 2003 at 12:11:27:
Posted by: megabyte on November 06, 2003 at 12:38:39
: If just one sponsor would clamp down on this behavior, it would hopefully start a trend. Responsiblity for your own actions should be the catch word for all of Paintball. How many times have we heard about a pro athlete being suspended, fined, or even banned because of his actions? Everywhere but in our sport. Because the sponsors will not get involved. Pepsi, Coke, or even Budweiser doesn't want a pediphile, druggy, or a criminal representing them to the general public. But, in our sport no one cares how they act or what they do. Well you have nobel ideas but I have heard from high VIP sources that they want paintball to become more "spirited" like maybe have fighting and only make it a 5 minute penalty like hockey which you might recognize as having the same rules as the X-ball league. Lets face it when you have two powerhouse teams that hate each other play it draws the crowds like it did in world cup between strange and dynasty and dynasty vs naughty dogs. Passion is good for the sport but then again if they piss off the refs too much then you will have a situation like we had in world cup where 25 refs walked mainly because they didnt want to put up with the bs. Reffing at a world cup level takes alot of patience and skill plus you must have a thick skin to put up with the conditions. Some cannot take it so they quit and good ridence if they cannot take 10-man bs they will never be able to survive in the NXL or X-ball arena. Try to grab hold of billy c. on one of his bad days and you my friend will have wrestled the beast on acid. : : Teams on a local level also need to start shaping up. Stop swearing and arguing. Instead, give a good impression to the newbies and the parents who show up to play/watch. Be friendly to them, don't act cocky. I commend those who are already doing these things. Well again welcome to the PSP. Dont bring your mother to war!
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