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Cost vs Value

In Reply to: Why isn't there a Viper game near everyone? posted by Kerry on August 10, 2003 at 15:58:54:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on August 12, 2003 at 21:13:26

You are doing it for money. We appreciate that.

We want value. Hope you appreciate that too.

I haven't been to one of your games so Nothing here is directed at your games.

I've been to a bunch of 'scenerio games' by different big name producers. Black Cat, D Day at the Bunker, and Bill Bailey D Day Series, etc. And numberous game done by the Local field owner games.

The producers seem to have a couple of games and some variations of the same. They call it different things but basically the same set up. Seen one, seen them all.

Still, No two games are alike. Even sequel games that are set up identically year after year. We can still have fun, put on some good moves, twists and turns. Not That Big a Deal, Really. Just a little misleading to call the same game 'Predator' one week and the same game 'Alien Invasion' the next.

The Do It Yourself Field owners can be the Good Bad and the Ugly. You don't know what to expect until you do it. Went to one scenerio game called Custard's Last Stand. Zippo. Just a big game with everyone shooting everyone. At the end of the day all the soldiers were put on one field and the Indians attacked from 4 directions. Reassigned player to make sure the soldiers were Out numbered 5 to 1 to ensure a slaughter.

The mission: If one or more players are alive after 30 minutes the Soldiers win. We stuck a kid in a stack of tires about 6 feet high and told to to stay there for 30 minutes and not fire a shot or say a word. 30 minutes later the soldiers "WON" the game and the Indian's went home whining. The Do It Yourselfer Games are also in the top Three Games I have ever been to.

D Day, an experience (Good and Bad) you can get no where else, A expansive, constructed field with literally thousands upon thousands of dollars spent on the fields developement. Something unique.

D Day cost a small fortune to travel to, attend, and play. The Do I Yourselfers game was $25 for two days and a night of play and you could bring your own paint. Free hamburgers and Hot Dogs for pre registered players on Friday Night. Those of us that traveled got there too late to get the eats. But it sure brings out the local crowd.

In selecting a game to go to or NOT go to:

The total costs should be available to me. I hate unadvertized suprises. A $15 camping fee per person. The 'tournament grade paint' available that one could buy along with a Generic Labeless field paint turned out to be Big Ball selling for $80 a case. Those are two places I will never return to.... They burnt that bridge.

I want to bring my own paint and simply WANT A CHOICE to buy Your field paint OR Bring MY own paint if I am willing to pay you a fee equal to what you make off of selling me a case of your field paint.


A good percentage of those is people that showed up with a gun NOT in good working order and needed to BLAME it on something besides himself.

But paintball barrels, Flatlines, vs LP tournament markers ARE very paint specific. One will work and others won't.

Me, I have to have very accurate paint that is invisible to my opponent. Why sign up for a sniper role, stalking, and wearing camo if the bush I am hiding in is spitting out Tracer Round Paint for everyone to see.

Just give me a CHOICE! I'm willing to pay for the privilage.

The biggest challenge for a producer is keeping the game from degrading into a Big Game where people just shoot everything that moves.

Darn few people want to be officers and squad leaders to run a tactical game. Fun for about 3 hours and then you want to go shoot something..
A local field has had GOOD Success with two approaches. Each General and couple of senior officers are PAID EMPLOYEES! They accidently discovered that the wives and girlfriends of paintball players make great officers. They don't necessarily LIKE being shot at but like ordering a bunch of men around and being saluted and ordering pushups from those that don't. He uses a combination of the two now.

Keeping players organized and engaged in playing as a team should be paramount.

AND PUBLISHING THE MISSION NAMES AND POINTS AHEAD OF TIME IS ALWAYS NICE. I swear they guy that refuse to tell you how the points are scored for a points game are just manipulating the game so it is 'close'. D Day is a good example. They refuse to tell you how many points this or that mission is worth. How can you be a General or a senior officer and use tactics if you don't know what your tactical priorities are?

Game rule that don't change the night before the game is nice too.

Maps with Grid Coordinates are nice too for the officers and squad leaders with radios.

NIGHT PLAY is a BIG Draw. A big plus for everyone that has ever played in the dark at a scenerio game.

LOTS OF PROPS. Things to fight for. To LOOK for. To retrieve for points. To USE tactically to your advantage. They can be Transporters made out of 55 gal drums with Power Supplies made out of 5 gallon bucket on top of them.

A 72 quart cooler with two handled salvaged from the roadside makes a great tactical nuclear weapon for two guys to carry and maneuver into "detonation range". Cheap stuff.

PROPs, Props, Props.

On and ON. Got to go...... More later

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