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The paint sponsors gave you WHAT? In Reply to: That's some meaningful input posted by Kerry on August 12, 2003 at 22:30:06:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on August 14, 2003 at 18:33:18
A pallet of paint gets you your first price break. Then 4-5 pallets for your second price break. DeaL Direct with the manufacturers. If you are going through a distributor then he is going to make sure HE gets HIS cut of the Pie and doesn't give a hoot about YOUR Problems. If it IS a distributor, then get one that carries a variety of brand. Then you simply put together an order based on the number of players that pre registered and PRE Paid for their paint order. The producers are always going NUTS trying to guess about how many people will play. You try to give players INCENTIVES to Pre Register. The Pre Paid entry fee and paint order could be one. You don't have a field. So form a synergistic business relationship WITH a field or two or three. They can buy excess paint left over from a game. Players from THEIR field that Pre Register can BYOP bought at THEIR Field He promotes the games, sells paint, you get players and a place to take your excess paint. I know One field that does a MIX. If you buy a half case of paint from him, you can use any other paint you want to bring. I take my invisible paint tweaked for scenerio play and use his half case of field paint for rec ball play the following weekend. There is the perpetual dilemia that producers have which is to keep the registration fees to a minimum to atract players to the game or at least not scare them off. So the costs are 'Hidden' in the inflated paint prices, concessions, camping fees etc. etc. etc. When they give US a price break of $10 to pre register, it is TOO easy NOT to pre register until you see the 3 day weather forcast for the weekend. If you are a fair weather player with an electro something, you would rather eat the $10 and just show up rather than burn a tank of gas and get rained out. Give me a real price break if you want pre registrations. A $30 price break will buy me some gas and paint. How about pre registered players getting $30 off the NEXT game. That is an incentive AND builds your customer base. Is this guy going to come alone? No, he is comming back with a couple of cars full of kids. Then THEY come back with their buddies... Sounds like a win - win. I say, CHARGE Us what you have to have and tell us what we GET. Don't hide costs. Nobody like suprises. Over 3000 people paid a $60 registration fee and another $80 for a case of field paint at D Day this year. If it is a good game and word gets around, people WILL COME. Let us bring our own paint and charge us a fee for the privilage. I wouldn't put it in the pre registration fee. An add on. Many players don't care that much about paint quality as they routinely shoot field paint anyway. All we want is a choice... Same money to you regardless of if we bring our own or buy yours... Speaking or Rain Days. YOU should do something for the pre registered players that don't come because of bad weather and playing conditions. We all should understand you have spent money and time whether or NOT is rains. Not all of it should be refunded. But some should. Now I'm not talking about a 50% chance of afternoon showers. I'm talking about the field getting 3" of rain in the last 24 hours or something like that. The roads and camping areas not negotiable with 2 wheel drives. Forecasted severe weather, hail, damaging and tornado warnings and watches. Steady Pouring Rain all day with 1-2" of rain expected. But these are YOUR customers. If you say sorry, no refund, they wind up not even attending one of your games and you left them with a bad taste in their mouth. You should give them the equivalent of a store credit and apply the fee to the next game they come to. At least you don't lose a customer. You keep one. AND the Scenerio Players need to understand that wars go on day, night, rain, or snow. If they want to attend a War Game Scenerio they need to be ready to play in all weather conditions. Not to say a couple of bonfires to keep warm by between games isn't a good idea when you are soaking wet and 30 degrees with wind blowing. I still see people show up for scenerio games on no changes of clothing for a 2 day game. It is their own fault but kids are still kids and need a little direction from time to time. Tips and preparation.
And some VASELINE to lube up for the weekend BEFORE the day of play is ALSO a real smart move.. Sounds gross but it simply works. You are going to shower when you get home anyway. You will notice on Sunday morning guys walking around bow legged like cowboys. Taint because their masculine. They are raw between the legs. And NOBODY EVERY TALKS about it. They will trade every other paintball problem and tip in the world but not THAT ONE! And bring a couple of changes of clothing in case you get wet and muddy. Get dry before you go to bed unless you want a miserable night. We go camping for three weeks in the wilderness. We take ONLY three changes of clothing for the whole trip. Sacred rule always have one dry change. It can be dirty but it has to be dry. When you put the last set of cloths on, you hunker down and stay in the tent or under the rainfly and dry your other clothes. Dale
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