To Recuit New Players.
In Reply to: He has a REAL Good Point. ADVERTIZING posted by Dale on August 15, 2003 at 18:41:49:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on August 16, 2003 at 16:55:57
This is why we form local "Militia Groups" through the local paintball stores, High School Paintball Clubs, etc. Basically, come with us and see what it is all about. Simply recuit new / any players for 'Your Scenerio Team'. It takes about 20 players to field a team of 6 for any given game anyway. The experienced players can bring along the newer players. Go in a convoy to the game. Camp together and be part of a group. Recuit, Recuit, Recuit. People will come and go but it gets the word out and gets players started. I think scenerio games would be LESS confusing if the local rec fields that has a scenerio game comming up would be smart to do more "Mission Games" instead of Kill Everyone Facing Your Direction during Rec Open Play. Give them a taste of it. Combine two or three fields and do a 30-40 minute mission. Let each player return to their home base and resurrect one time if you want. The Terrorist's Mission is move a 'tactical nuclear weapon' into detonation range of the Marine's Base and detonate it anywhere on the first field where the Marine Base is located or put up a rope/tape etc. It is a plastic 55 gallon drum or 5 gal water jug / cooler with handles. It has a CO2 Horn inside. The Marines have a Search and Destroy Mission Only a couple of designated 'specialists' can disarm it. Make 5-6 guys Medics on each side. Get them use to these roles and how to use them. Appoint a commander, and a couple of squad leaders. Give them 3-5 minutes to come up with their plan of attack. 'Take Alpha squad this way and Delta Squad go that way. Send a runner back if you make good progress and find their weak side. Then the Nuke Squad runs point for the guys with the nuke. All resurrects follow and reinforce the Nuke Squad... Game ON! The survivors of the side that got pounded just guards the flank of the Nuke Squad. Hold them off. Game on. Marines, you guys run like heck and set up a perimeter outside of detonation range. When you get strong enemy contact. Scream for reinforcements. You ID the Nuke, Scream bloody murder where it is and send a runner. EVERYONE converge and rush the Nuke... Do not waste time engaging other players not directly defending the Nuke. Swarm the Nuke! If the Terrorists get the nuke in range, they pull out the horn and blow it. The MarineS and their Base is a SMOK'N HOLE IN THE GROUND! If the Marines capture the Nuke, they have to get their specialists to it to disarm it by blowing the horn. The Terrorists Plot is foiled. God Bless American and the Marine Corp. If it isn't disarmed, the game is a draw. Now I don't think that would hurt paint sales at all for the field. Sounds like one hell of a fire fight for 30 minutes. You use Teamwork, Tactics, Initiative, Props, Communications, Special Roles for players, etc. But basically, if you think about it, all it was a Capture the Flag game but with a mobile flag. Then the guys go, Gee that was a LOT more FUN than just Capture the Flag! I'm going to that scenerio game they have comming. That is FREE Advertizing for the field to recuit their local customer base for the scenerio game. Bread and Butter here. NOW YOU PLAYERS HAVE TO ASK FOR 'MISSION GAMES' AND WRITE SOME OF YOUR OWN TO TRY OUT. DON'T MAKE THE FIELD DO ALL THE WORK. CAPTURE THE FLAG IS JUST TOO EASY FOR THEM. YOU ARE THE CUSTOMER! TELL THEM WHAT KIND OF PAINTBALL YOU WANT TO PLAY. START BUGGIN THEM ABOUT SPONSORING A SCENERIO TEAM TO REPRESENT THEIR FIELD AT AREA SCENERIO GAMES. HELP THE FIELD BY PROMOTING THE FIELD AND ITS GAMES.
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