Posted by: BOB "PAPPABOAR" LLOYD on September 15, 2003 at 21:15:32
Looks like I'm gonna be the first one to say my piece about the sportsmanship ... or the lack of it wich ruined a perfectly good weekend for a lot of people in Ocala this weekend. First off I want to be very specific here not every body at this event is to be blamed with the actions I and many other fellow players witnessed. there were some very honest and stand up players to be found on the field and to you folks I want to say thanks especialy to the Posse and Double Threat teams Who I saw with my own eyes were stand up players.and there were more included in this group and you guys I dont mean any slight by not metioning you specifically. Im only human I cant remeber I saw who did play by the rules, but to those who did, from me and many others I fought beside Thank you. Now to the ones of you that think check your hopper.. means wipe off the hit... moral ... if you really enjoy this game... learn to play better and by the rules ... that way the game will prosper.... if you gotta cheat ... just remeber when the last field goes out of buisness due to lack of attendance... or the sport is outlawed due to the violence it will eventualy come too. Then just remeber you had a hand it that and feel proud for your self .... CAUSE THE REST OF US SURE AS HELL WONT. |
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