Re: What I saw at Clues 2
In Reply to: Re: What I saw at Clues 2 posted by Thomas_ on September 17, 2003 at 11:14:18:
Posted by: rick applegarth on September 18, 2003 at 07:03:21
i dont blame you for not putting that arguement in either. i agree that all thsoe inside should of been out. i almost got shot point blank in the lens when i first looked over that edge. i'm surprised they missed. the kid next to me barrel tagged one of them, and shot the other. the guy thought that if you barrel tagged someone, they BOTH were out. which isn't the rule. i'm not sure why there was an argument about the 'bunkering'. the 10-foot rule is a curtisy(spelling?) as far as i know. you dont HAVE to take the hit, you can shoot back, but its probably not too wise. those guys had all the right to shoot, but like you said, i doubt they knew the rules as far as the teams, i know of Faith-in-Chaos, Recon1, and Bad Monkeys, these are the only names i can remember off the top of my head. |
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