Concerning cheaters...
In Reply to: Re: SPORTSMANSHIP MISSING IF FOUND PLEASE CALL...... posted by Garry on September 16, 2003 at 09:09:08:
Posted by: Roedog on September 16, 2003 at 13:55:40
Often times there is nothing you can do about cheaters. They're simply a low-rent member of the community that has no scruples or concern for other players. I remember my first scenario experience at Waynes World, and it was almost an experience ruined by cheaters from the word "go". I remember taking the field and right at the insertion point I found a nice fire fight. I crawled my way into a nice thick wall of palmettos and found several members of some team called "Air Assault" already firing from within the scrub. It wasn't too long after I fired off a few rounds myself that I heard whispers of "should I call a medic?" and "Nah just wipe it off, quick!" coming from my own team mates right beside me. At that instant I lost all respect for that "team" and almost lost faith in the scenario game concept as a whole. It occurred to me at that second how many people WERE on the field compared to how many refs? Although there was the time I shot the guy in the ghillie suit about 50 times, but that was just funny because I'm sure he couldn't feel any of the hits. Technically I suppose you could consider that cheating, as wearing a ghillie suit will obviously make you unable to feel a paintball impact and therefore give you plausable deniability...and try to find paint splatter mingled in with 30 pounds of burlap.
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