What Bobby also forgot to mention
In Reply to: Re: what I saw as a ref posted by Garry on September 17, 2003 at 08:01:20:
Posted by: Jake_Bradley on September 17, 2003 at 12:39:13
was that one of the reasons he went to start reffing was that one of our team mates at the start of the night game was nailed by an orange player across the field and was overshot. Not only that, it drew blood each time from quite a distance, enough so that he had to be helped off of the field. This was not a small man, he's bigger than Bobby is and tough but the blood was flowing. Not just a little scratch but multiple hits were flowing blood. But you're right about when people seeing, or thinking they are seeing, cheaters sometimes also cheat back. I saw one on our side doing it and later on I reamed him up one side and down the other for it. As for the orange team, not only did I see what I thought was cheating when they were firing at me, as an intel agent I was walking around and watching the fights without being shot at and standing mere feet from the orange players I saw at least one person wipe without a doubt and I saw a few more I was almost positive of. Did most of the orange cheat? No, I don't think so but I know a few did for sure. Did some of the green cheat? Probably, I know one that did and I chewed him a new rear end for it. Jacob "F.Y.B." Bradley |
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