Let me see here . . .
In Reply to: This FORUM is Named Wrong posted by Dale on August 15, 2003 at 18:51:45:
Posted by: Rick "Wolf" Martin on August 15, 2003 at 19:09:56
You want to splinter rec ball even further? I disagree with you, big format paintball (big game and scenario) IS recreational paintball. While some of us can get competitive, our style of paintball is not all about competition. Recreation means we bring the families, socialize, and spend more time having fun than concentrating on the cut throat, anything goes, win, win, win that tournament paintball is. Seems pretty recreational to me :) Rick - TZ : The vast majority of this forum is about SCENERIO GAMES. : I see next to NOTHING about "Rec Ball" which I consider your Saturday or Sunday outing at your local fields where you play capture the flag and shoot all the guys facing your direction. : DOES ANYBODY BESIDE ME THINK WARPIG SHOULD HAVE A FORUM NAMED: SCEANERIO GAMES ? :
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