You've Got it All Wrong. That is called 'Fishing'.
In Reply to: And Here I thought Scenario Play was a Game posted by The Sun God on August 16, 2003 at 00:12:27:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on August 16, 2003 at 17:17:32
Fishing takes less energy and money. Thus you can buy MORE beer. You can do it lying down in the shade if you want, take a nap, smooch with your girlfriend, do that bonding thing with your buddies. Everybody likes different things about paintball. Competition for some, winning for others, bore with the Kill Everybody Facing You Games and want something more challenging. Mentally and paintball skill wise. Me, I love it when they look at this old fart, point and grin at me during the briefing. I don't get NO respect... By the end of the day, my goal is that they ain't so cocky. This old fart can keep up with the kids in this young man's game. Part of my 10 year long, mid life crisis. Serious denial.....
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