Re: Good Point
In Reply to: Good Point posted by The Sun God on August 15, 2003 at 21:36:11:
Posted by: -RoadKill- on August 15, 2003 at 22:44:07
You want to talk about capture the flag and hardcore play to win, go to tournament talk.. This is Rec talk.. Capture the flag and pretty much any type of "speedball" (the kind that takes you longer to get ready for than it does to actually play) falls more into a tournament category than it does a rec/scenario category.. See.. At scenario's everybody goes and plays for a bit, then goes out to their camping areas, relaxes, socializes, drinks some beer and roasts some pigs.. I'd say at least 1/3 of the time spent at a scenario event, wheather its organized or just a slop weekend get together, is spent just kicking back and tellin war stories.. All that tournament/speedball stuff is just a bunch of guys tryin to prove they're the next big thing in paintball.. Not much socializing outside of their team, unless they see a team who thinks their team is the best team there, and we all know how it gets when two teams think they're ego's are bigger, I mean, teams are better. PISSING CONTEST! Yea.. Sounds recreational to me.. (DRIPPING with sarcasim, someone get me a bucket)
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