And from the PLAYERS that MIGHT COME IF>>>>>
In Reply to: ATTN: Scenario Producers posted by _Hollywood_ on January 02, 2004 at 03:05:37:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on January 03, 2004 at 17:44:08
It is a BYOPaint Game. We want BYOPaint GAMES. Period. You better LISTEN TO US cause everybody and his uncle is jumping onto the scenerio game bandwagon. You've probably have a competing game within driving distance on the SAME weekend all season long! Yes, I understand paint sales is a BIG Part of the economics of being able to produce these games for us. IT is MY DIME and I WANT to GIVE IT TO YOU! All WE want is a CHOICE to buy your field paint OR YOU make the SAME money and your customers are NOT able to complain so loud about YOUR paint. They always complain about the field paint. Sometimes it is the marker, the guy using and not maintaining it, and a LOT of the Times it IS the paint. Cheap, stale, flat spotted, brittle, OLD paint you bought cheap somewhere. Or a label paint the producer had made just for his games this year that gets old and stale by the end of the season. And of course he went with the lowest bidder and got paint that causes nothing but problems for him, the fields, and his customers. Have you noticed the number of fields NOT re booking for the very successful 2003 Tour of Duty Series? It was a label paint that was very poorly made. And he won't budge on the BYOPaint requirement the field wants to offer their local players.... I know the producer feels burned too. But HE is stuck with a contract with his paint manufacturer too. Hope it was ONE year. He does too.... Not really the producers fault. Just went with Low bid without checking out the quality of the product they produced. I passed 2 of the Tour of Duty Game when I could attend a BYOPaint Game instead. I emailed him each time too telling him why.... If we all did that things would change real quick. Like I said above: It is MY Dime and I want to Give it to YOU. Give me a CHOICE to bring my own paint or buy yours. I will give you the SAME money. If I HAVE a choice, it will go to the game that offer BYOPaint Games. |
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