Re: And from the PLAYERS that MIGHT COME IF>>>>>
In Reply to: And from the PLAYERS that MIGHT COME IF>>>>> posted by Dale on January 03, 2004 at 17:44:08:
Posted by: Brophog on January 04, 2004 at 00:39:02
I agree with you. I shoot pumps so I really want super high quality paint all the time as I generally can't compensate with volume. For a smaller game, its alright to have BYOP. 1) Enforcement that only those who paid for BYOP are using it is easier. 2) Paint contracts. Small games usually go to distributors for paint, rather than the super big boys. The distributors only care if you buy it by the pallet, and don't offer as good of price breaks, imo. For the larger games, it may mean quite a bit of difference in $/unit if they're only buying 1/2 as much paint as usual. Sometimes this difference can't be offset as well with the BYOP fees without making the BYOP people unhappy. Something to consider. I do totally agree though that if a producer can swing the BYOP financially, its a DEFINITE plus in my decision to attend that particular event. |
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