Re: And from the PLAYERS that MIGHT COME IF>>>>>
In Reply to: And from the PLAYERS that MIGHT COME IF>>>>> posted by Dale on January 03, 2004 at 17:44:08:
Posted by: bill "willimo68" bailey on January 07, 2004 at 14:41:08
dale. 1st offto my knoweledge i am only booking games at places i choose. tell me one place that has not asked me to play there again? as for bad paint? no paint works perfect in tempetures below 30 degrees. i hold my games at fields that need help in running a big game and i hold them at fields wanting to use a differant paint. where do you get off on saying anyone has dropped out of my series? the only one that has concerns was battlecreek and that was not even my game. perry used his rules and all i did was be a general. perry told me that if we wanted to use battlecreek again we had to use their paint and their rules. sorry that is their decision and thats ok. but my games will be run by me, i will use the rules i have made and i will be damned if i let people try to push me around and slander my series. look around dale. you are the one running out of places to play. i dont know what your problem is but get out of my business. the paint i sell is hiigh quality and used all over. i have used all kinds of paint and each one will never be perfect. as far as i know rockford,paintball,extreme paintball, the bunker, paintgames plus in holden,hidden valley in wi., operation paintball in texas and baileys battlefield and the front in richmond mo will be running in my series. please feel free to let me know if they are not. you like talking smack on the internet but i quarentee you wont at any of these fields. for anyone else on this sight sorry you had to see the venting. bill bailey (producer who does do it for fun and a little cash)
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