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WARPIG Tourney Talk

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In Reply to: Murder Inc Tourney Players Beware!!! posted by Rueben on July 22, 2003 at 02:18:50:

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Posted by:

on July 22, 2003 at 02:53:05

I will try my best to convey the most important parts of the last two posts between MI and myself.

In MI's last response, Murder Inc profoundly labeled me as a whining loser who was mad because my team did not place. The owner further went on to say that their novice team entering the tournament at the last minute was to "do the other teams a favor". He also went on to say that just because I was a mad loser that I shouldn't bash their team, store and field. These were MI's important points in his post.

My reply stated that I was "not in the tournament", instead I was an innocent spectator who had stopped by to watch for part of the day. I also pointed out that putting or allowing a field sponsored team to play at the last minute was a unethical way to handle business. I made it very well know that I was not "bashing his team" for playing, afterall it was his store/field's choice to allow it and that's what I was pointing out.

If the other novice and rookie teams who spent their hard earned $250 entry fees (an outrageous amount for that level to begin with) had know they would be playing against the home field sponsored team, (at any field for that matter) do you think they would have attended? I do not.

I warned Murder Inc that his rude aggressive responses to my post had lost them a patron and that I would take the opportunity to tell every player within distance of playing their tournaments (I specifically said east coast) what type of tournaments they would be participating in. I stand by my word. Hopefully they will learn something from this.

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