Re: The complaint is bogus!
In Reply to: The complaint is bogus! posted by _Hollywood_ on September 04, 2003 at 05:22:03:
Posted by: shotmaster on September 05, 2003 at 16:19:56
: Here's a news flash: I contact scenario producers, tournament producers, and others associated with big games, scenario games, and tournaments late in the year (October-December) to get their schedule for the coming year. : I received Wayne Dollack's 2003 schedule on 15 December 2002. It was printed out and filed, so I could get to it whenever I did the Southeast Report for PB2X. : I do the Southeast Report every month. "Clues II" was mentioned in the September issue, which hit the stands around the middle of July, The column was written in April or May, as the magazines require 2-3 months lead time. : I have known about "Clues II: The Egyptian Conundrum" and the fact that it would be on 13-14 September, for nine months. Therefore, the claim that Wayne just came out of nowhere, and stuck this game on top of Orbital Paintball's game, is bogus. : Wayne selected this particular weekend nearly a year ago. It was selected due to its proximity to the full moon. No other factors were considered. : Now, there are those who have issues with Wayne, and that's fine. If you have a legitimate complaint, then, by all means, discuss it. : But this complaint is garbage, and anyone with a lick of sense knows it. Someone's out here, trying to stir up some @#$? for his own reasons. : And yes, I cover a lot of Wayne's games. I also covered MXS games and Viper games this year. And I even covered at tournament at Orbital Paintball earlier. And yes, I got paid. But that does not mean I'm in Wayne's, or MXS', or Viper's pocket. Remember, I retire in less than a year, and I personally don't much care if I get anyone PO'd. So, to the original poster, you screwed the pooch on this one. You ran your mouth without having all the pertinent information available, and if you have any class at all, you'll admit your error, and apologise to the readers of this board, and to Wayne. : It's unfortunate that the two games will overlap, but this time, it ain't Wayne's fault. He had his schedule up before the end of 2002, and if you had bothered to look, you would have known it. : Next time, engage brain before putting mouth (and fingers on a keyboard) in motion. : "Hollywood"
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