Re: The complaint is bogus!
In Reply to: Re: The complaint is bogus! posted by _Hollywood_ on September 05, 2003 at 21:09:58:
Posted by: shotmaster on September 05, 2003 at 22:27:57
: : Well we heard the same thing from one of Waynes refs that my son goes to school with. And how can yopu call yourself a reporter and be unbiased when you are getting "paid". Besides we would rather drive all the way to Ft. Meyers and play in knee deep water than play in another rigged game. : : And I never said I was a reporter. If you got that impression, sorry. What I am, is a publicist, and I am loyal to whoever is paying the bills at the time. And I have worked for people that are at loggerheads with each other, but who get along fine with me. : Right now, I'm not on anyone's payroll, so I don't owe anybody anything. That being the case, I'll put on my independent observer's hat, and say that my first obligation at the moment, is to the truth. : And the truth is, that Wayne scheduled the game for the 13th and 14th of September, all the way back in November or December of last year. : If you want to discuss it further, I'll be happy to let you buy me a drink sometime. : "Hollywood" I wouldn't waste my time or money. Being hired to write something other than the truth is the same as being a hooker. Write the truth!! Fields that will use a general that insists on being guaranteed the win or they won't come should be avoided. |
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