Actually, I've been researching that...
In Reply to: A suggestion posted by James on August 11, 2003 at 10:34:48:
Posted by: Kerry "V i p e r" Rosenberry on August 11, 2003 at 16:12:46
...for a few months now. It seems it's the same reason that EVERY OTHER producer, in the same area, and even at the same field, has gotten less-than-expected turnouts...the local economy is screwed at the moment, and the unemployment rate has been steadily increasing since 2000. The Houston area is above the national average unemployment rate at the moment. In 2000 we had about 1000 at our annual Texas Revolution event in April. Since then the bottom has fallen out of the Houston job market, and the related economy. The virtually steady increase in the unemployment rate has been seen in everything we do here. (From http://www.economagic.com/em-cgi/data.exe/blsla/lausm33600003+2) Houston Unemployment rate by month Although Houston has consistently stayed below the state average unemployment rate, Texas as a whole has consistently had a higher than average unemployment rate when compared to the national figures. http://www.houston.org/blackfenders/unemploydata.htm The current U.S. average unemployment rate is 5.8 percent, while the national average is 5.9, and Texas as a whole has a whopping 6.4. In contrast, let's look at the other major annual scenario event, Florida's "Grande Finale." It seems to be far less effected. Why? Because their statewide unemployment rate is only 5.3, far below Texas. So, in summary, Houston (and Texas as a whole) has a staggering number of unemployed people right now. With the Texas unemployment rate increasing from 4.2 in 2000 to the current 6.4, people are worried. Overall there has been an almost unwavering increase in the unemployment rate. The last time we had a national 3% unemployment rate was May of 2000. It is now more than double that. So it's simple really. More people have no jobs. They haven't the money to spend on paintball. The ones that HAVE jobs are worried, so they don't want to spend that much on paintball. The fact that everyone has seen a recent decline not only in scenario attendance, but in regular weekend ball and tourneys. |
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