PigTV Paintball Television provides streaming video of paintball tournaments, scenarios, trade shows, tutorials and how-tos. We have been webcasting paintball action since 1997. Featured tournaments include NPPL, PSP, and XPSL.


Uploading Videos to PigTV - Paintball Television

Why aren't there uploads anmore?
Once upon a time, a long time ago we launched PigTV as the first online paintball video program. There were some people who uploaded some clips of video before us, but we were the first to do full-length real shows. As we expanded, and PigTV's needs for bandwidth and storage space grew, we went through various hosting solutions, overloading and getting kicked off of multiple "unlimited" web hosting accounts before switching to dedicated, advertising funded hosting through Brightcove Networks.This video hosting solution also allowed people to upload their own videos to PigTV, where they could be seen in significantly higher quality than YouTube, which then was still very new. Time marches on and things change, we're no longer using Brightcove, and the need for user uploads is gone, as YouTube and a number of other services offer the paintball playing public free, good quality video hosting. As a part of the World And Regional Paintball Information Guide (WARPIG.com) PigTV remains by and for paintball players, and is always free to watch online.


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'Let a man regard us in this manner, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.' I Corinthians 4:1