Debra Krischke at the podium
Bob Gurnsey in the audience,
Bud Orr on the right.
Debra presents Bob with
a lifetime achievement award
Krischke listens to Grunsey
Gurnsey with the target
from the first paintball game
Tom talks about testing
paint by getting shot in the back - before there were chronographs
Industry Conference
The International Amateur Open is a
traditional launching point for many new products for paintball, starting
with the New Products Showcase at the annual Industry Conference.
This year marked the 11th annual conference, and between it, and the new
products shown under the vendor's tent during the tournament, there was
no shortage of cool paintball stuff.
Prior to the new product releases, event
promoter Debra Krischke brought forward Bob Gurnsey. Gurnsey was
one of the people who had taken part in the first organized game of paintball,
and he went on to found the National Survival Game, the first business
for the sport. NSG acted as a manufacturer, distributor, and franchiser
for the first paintball fields. After his initial introduction, Krischke
sat down with Gurnsey and interviewed him about the company's early days.
Debra had worked for NSG early on as did a fellow employee Tom who joined
the conversation. Behind them was a backdrop of a target board hit
with oil based paint during the first paintball game.
Krischke talks with Gurnsey
Tom another NSG employee
joins the group
A box of original Nelson
oil based paint
Past lifetime achievement
award winners. L to R: Tom Kaye, Debra Krischke, Bob Gurnsey, Jessica
Sparks, Bob McGuire, Bud Orr
Left - Gordon Moore
Right - Aldo Peronne |
Gordon Moore, president of Zap paintballs
introduced a face that hasn't been seen much in paintball lately, Aldo
Peronne. Aldo was the founder of Brass Eagle, and had a non compete
contract that kept him out of paintball for a while after selling the company
to Daisy. Peronne is responsible for designs like the Nightmare and
the Stingray which helped bring lower cost paintguns to players.
Taking the same approach he has designed new products for Zap. The
Mach 404 loader with "shockwave" technology is said to "vibrate the balls
into position." That's not exactly an accurate description - the
loader is an agitating system, but it is vibration that moves the agitator.
When its electronics sense agitation is needed there is an off-center weight
that is spun by a motor (like a pager vibrator - a little larger) inside
an inverted pendulum hanging from the top of the loader by flexible mounts.
This causes the pendulum to wobble back and forth, mixing up the paintballs.
Two flexible fingers extending from the pendulum sweep across the top of
the feedneck to clear jams. Requiring only a single 9v battery, the
Mach 404 has an MSRP of only $49.95 meaning it will have a very impressive
street price for a powered loader. Also the ZXS-600E is planned to
do to the electronic paintgun market what the stingray did for semi-autos.
It features a low price point, molded polymer and cast metal components
and a relatively simple design. It is quite light weight, and while
it has more moving parts than the three claimed at the conference, its
MSRP of $249 is a breakthrough for electros. |
Chris Havlock of Crossfire
introduces their new 4500
PSI screw in HPA systems
High output pressure model
Low output pressure model |
Chris Havlock from Crossfire introduced
the company's new 4500 psi compressed air system. Crossfire is well
known for its screw in preset air systems. With the changing requirements
of many paintguns on the market, some do better when fed higher or lower
pressure air. Typically screw-in style compressed air systems have
had both a cost and size advantage over adjustable output pressure units,
but been handicapped by their lack of adjustable output - stuck at their
factory setting of around 700 or 800 PSI. Crossfire has an answer
in their new 4500 psi systems. Color coding of the regulator's base
indicates one of the two preset pressures in which the system is available.
Red is the high output pressure model, preset to 800 psi, while the blue
model outputs 450 to 500 psi for lower pressure paintguns. |
Cole Kreb talks about WGPs
newest products
WGP's Black Magic Autococker
Worr Game Products
Worr Games Products has already garnered
a following for the Black Magic Autococker released earlier this year.
Its lightened body, 11 degree angled ASA, performance pneumatics, and optional
swing trigger have left many people questioning why they would bother with
swapping out parts for aftermarket "upgrades." Cockers aren't all
that's going on at WGP though. Paintball netting is big on the list.
It's been a hot topic - especially when it fails. WGP's new netting
conforms to the proposed ASTM standard. Also new are travel cases
for the Mega Booster compressed air pump. The Mega Booster can be
protected so well that a fall off of a table won't hurt it. |