proffesional paintbal
Posted by: Matt "Nofrigginway" Fisher on January 07, 2004 at 22:00:16
ok, there has been alot of talk about cleaning up the proffesionall player's images, swearing, cheating exc. well, alot of the blame has gone to the refs' i think thats not right,, first of all, how would you like upsetting poeple all day, and some of these guys can really lose themselfs when in their opinion a bad call is made, but i do belive the refs can HELP, not do ALL of it, but just help, refs, u guys gotta be a lil more "not caring" about what the players think, because if you dont start it, no one will, and yet i think we can all do our part, players, if there is any of you left, even if it means losing, just clean up, it's worth the sacrifice. People wonder why paintball isnt shown on telivision more often, thats why. BUt i also beleive the sponsores and coaches and fans and league in general should just put it to an end. its not like the pro's are jsut gunna stop, the worst that could happen is they stop for a little while, just to prove a point, but they wont quite,. and to any pros out there, im not bad talking you, if you are one of the few honest clean players left, kudos to you pal.
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