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WARPIG Tourney Talk

Re: proffesional paintbal

In Reply to: Re: proffesional paintbal posted by Matt on January 08, 2004 at 15:33:34:

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on January 11, 2004 at 11:20:22

: Yea, i agree with what your saying, the only thing i have to comment on again is the swearing, i swear when i play, and i think if it gi\ets ot an extreme point, such as calling each other names we should take action, but paintball is known for being a sport where anyone can play, i just think they players should be a little more considerate at times to families and impresionable teens, besides, it would really make the job easier for you refs as far as verbal abuse goes wouldnt it?

Well to tell you the truth no player has ever called me a name at least not to my face they may have megabyte dolls which they stick pins in at night but I would have to say all players I have come in contact with and thats usually all of them have treated me with total respect. Even one player with such an extreame personnaly such as Billy Ceranski, he can be quite the gentlemen but you know when they are playing they are very amped up and ready to take on the world if anything gets in their way and for that I believe they are correct when I play I play to win, so a little swearing to me is not that big of a deal. Sometimes it would be nice if they were able to turn it off on a dime but thats the perfect world and not the real world.

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