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WARPIG Tourney Talk

Re: BoneBreak sponserd by panam and in first?

In Reply to: Re: BoneBreak sponserd by panam and in first? posted by PigTech on November 26, 2003 at 09:32:59:

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Posted by:
Stephan "Junkie23" AJ

on December 07, 2003 at 02:11:47

Having just played in the Pan Am in Las Vegas, I have two opinions on the subject.

Dan Bonebrake is awesome. He is a great guy who obviously loves the sport very much. He wants to see it in its' purest form, as much as anyone who plays competitively or devotes their time into promoting or enhancing it. He is the reason our team could afford to play at the Pan Am, he hooked us up with a good deal on some cheap paint. He also made a good call by zeroing out Fatal Swoop, they were pretty much all Am players, and played in the Novice division.

That said, I saw first hand more wiping go unnoticed in my life. This was due in large part to the fact that the reffing staff was about 2/3'ds of the size that it should have been. In NPPL, they have like a 2:1 ratio of players to referees, wiping is virtually impossible under those circumstances.

I know many of the Bonebrake guys and scrimmage against them regularly, and have seen first hand the level of play that they are capable of. They are a huge reason that Team Element had such an awesome run at the Commander's Cup in Miami this year. I have no doubt in my mind, after watching the 7-man Amateur finals in person that if they played how i've seen them play, they have won the series fairly.

I think improvements in the Pan Am Refereeing staff should be a priority for next season. I'm interested in seeing how the XPSL thing plays out. Could be a very good year on the Pan Am circuit if things fall into place!

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