Re: Questions about PanAm LosVagas (Bill Mills)
In Reply to: Questions about PanAm LosVagas (Bill Mills) posted by OlyGimp on October 08, 2003 at 12:29:49:
Posted by: PigTech on October 08, 2003 at 17:32:39 Forum Administrator
: Hey every one I wanted to know a few things about this up coming PanAm in Lasvagas, I played the stop in seattle, and am looking forward to go to the finals in vagas. : One of the things I wanted to know was does any one know how many teams are expected in the nov 7 man? the other thing i wanted to know is if the reefs for the these games are going to be people from the same divistion (novs), hey also does any one know what the prizes are? : Im sure i could think of more questions but ill see if these get answerd. : Thanks -Oly Hi Oly, Refs in the Pan Am are teams which play in the series, and they earn series points by reffing. Refs are not shifted around by classification. That is, if you are a novice 7 man team, you may be reffed by ams, novices, or even rookies, depending on the field - chances are good by the time the event is over you will have been reffed by players from within each classification level. Randy Wood is the ultimate judge for the series, and in the past I've seen him shift referees between fields if he felt it gave a better balance of even experience levels across all the fields. Prize packages usually aren't put together until shortly before the event, but their overall values, are listed, I believe, on the Pan Am web site - www.panamcircuit.com. See you on the field, |
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