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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: Compact, Shutter, Extra, or other?

In Reply to: Compact, Shutter, Extra, or other? posted by Anubis-1 on July 07, 2003 at 16:05:52:

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Posted by:
Alex "snipez" Brill_
on July 07, 2003 at 16:36:17

Definitley go with the shutter, It's Kingmans top of the line spyder and has a whole bunch of high end features. I had one a few years back and I loved it. This one is a no brainer. Its really haigh quility, and those features will make it an easier gun for you to use. Plus its nitro ready if you ever want to upgrade. Shutter all the way.

: Hey there, I'm a newbie, actually I'm not even sure you can call me that yet since I don't play my first game until this Saturday. I know several people have posted this type of question before but just for the heck of it I thought I would put this out there again; especially since there seems to have been some price changes since the ones I saw. I've been watching ebay for the past week or so and it seems that the Shutter, Compact (bottom line or no?), and the Xtra are all going for about $100 give or take about $20 or so. Given this, which would be considered a better purchase? I'm not concered with electronic grips or anything like that at this point, I rather try to improve and rely on my skills (or lack there of) instead of the marker's ROF.

: Thanks for any and all help guys.

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