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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: There is supposed to be a set screw in that hole..

In Reply to: There is supposed to be a set screw in that hole.. posted by Dale on May 30, 2003 at 12:31:33:

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Posted by:
Jon "Jonwes" West
on May 30, 2003 at 12:51:56

Sure theres supposed to be a screw in there? Hehe, came out of the box like that, and upon closer inspection, it doesnt even look like theres threads for a screw of any kind. Maybe your talking about the gold looking setscrew that is further forward on the body, because i can actually see the striker if i push it down far enough through that hole. I found another post that talks about people tapping that hole and using it as a forward trigger stop itself. Seems like thats what they made it for, unless I'm wrong and it is the same one your talking about. Can anyone verify? again, have a spyder xtra.

Thanks for the help!
Jon West

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