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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Re: No problem

In Reply to: Um Dale? posted by Justin on May 08, 2003 at 22:04:33:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on May 09, 2003 at 09:23:49

Like you said, I didn't know. Especially about snowboarding bindings. I assumed they were simular to ski bindings and my comments were from that frame of reference where the racing binding are made to be much firmer and don't come off so easy. Bad for an beginning skier...

Glad you were an experienced boarder.
Tough breaks!

: Sue their ass.

I am severely allergic to lawyers myself but after all the years of therapy, I am a fan of holding manufacturers accountable in a court of law.

Corporation just don't give a damn. Their bean counters (like Ford and Firestone) calculate how much it would take to settle 200 lawsuits for a defect they KNOW about that kills people and simple compare that to the cost of a recall and refit.

Nothing personal, just business. Well, it IS personal if you are one of their victims in their cold calculations.

Well, since they have no sense of corporate responsibility, they deserve to be sued and send a message to the other manufacturers. WE eventually wind up paying for it next time we buy a car but maybe they will do a recall next time before more people are maimed and killed.

: 1: Why sue? All that would do is setback the alpine division of snowboaring even more. Bad thing.

You get to pick which parties you want to sue.
You sound like you've ruled it out. Ok.

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