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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder

Spyders sure don't have the best trigger

In Reply to: i need some trigger advice posted by Daniel on April 17, 2003 at 03:51:19:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on April 20, 2003 at 19:58:05

But the mechanical 'hinge' is nothing but a double length trigger.

I haven't seen one but unless there is some mechanical difference in how the sear is activated a longer trigger would just slow you down even more by the longer finger travel.

The electro frames are nice until a guy like me corrals you at a game to be part of a squad to run/wade/swim up the creek and get to the enemy's flank enemy.... And you can't play in the rain, snow, mud, slush, etc. without being at risk of getting water inside it. For some strange reason that voids the warrenty in paintball. They call it abuse.... Not 'normal' play...

Since I own a home made electro cocker and electro spyder, I've got to ask if you are handy enough to build one.

AND I have a mechanical trigger plan that I just haven't built yet that will hopefully do what no other aftermarket engineer has come up with yet that would allow a short pull, light, hair trigger on a spyder. My problem is I don't have access to a lathe. You interested? Make it work, make one for me, and make a fortune. Its all yours....

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