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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: tip for e-99 users

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Posted by NuthyN on October 13, 2002 at 20:28:28:

In Reply to: Re: tip for e-99 users posted by Steve on October 13, 2002 at 19:18:52:

: : if you slighty modify the neck on a VL200 you can fit the hopper right onto the vertical feed and greatly lower your profile

: like how? are you separating the neck along the seams and just liding the feed tube in the neck? That does give you a lower profile, but with a marker like that, it's better to have as many balls stacked in the feed tube as possible. Paint chopping becomes a problem the lower the rise.

yeah the neck is slightly separated at the seems and i cut an old ajustable elbow so i can fit it around the hoppers feed tube and tighten it. but you are right about the feed tube. i tend to shoot less balls than most people and i dont use agitated hoppers so it doesnt really affect me

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