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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: What I think

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Posted by shadow_walker on September 26, 2002 at 13:31:12:

In Reply to: What I think posted by Hellbore on September 26, 2002 at 05:55:00:

: Looks-wise, I think it is very pretty. It is also slim and light, easy to carry. That's the good thing about Spyders, I guess.

: When it comes down to usage, however, I don't like Spyders much. I started out with a Spyder, upgraded it until I got the best performance out of it I could, did lots of custom work on it. Never again. I wish someone had told me to start off with an Autococker instead.

Do you honestly think you could have started out with an autococker and be as good as you are today? I don't know how good you are, but you wouldn't have been where you are if you started out with a cocker. Everyone needs a cheap starter gun to introduce them into paintball. Unless you're one of those rich kids with your daddy's credit card and an angel.... god i hate them. Anyways, my point being is that you can't start out paintball with a $300+ gun. For instance, hellrazor started out with a rebel, and I started out with a compact 2000 (which i eventually broke), but we learned from those, and now are more knowledgable about paintball. It's like swimming, you don't learn by diving off a 10ft diving board into the deep end, you gotta get your toes wet first. TMTC. Later.

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