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WARPIG Tech Talk - Spyder
Re: You don't know what you're talking about

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Posted by shadow_walker on September 27, 2002 at 16:14:00:

In Reply to: You don't know what you're talking about posted by Hellbore on September 27, 2002 at 15:05:58:

: Do you know me? No? Good, then don't tell me about myself.

: I'm no kid, I'm almost certainly older than you. I pay for my own gear. I make some of my gear. I'm learning to be an airsmith, and when I can afford a lathe, mill, and more time, I'll be making more complex customs.

: Don't tell me I needed to start with a Spyder. The first day I had it, I took it apart and understood how it worked. After that, it was just a matter of learning about controlling the flow of compressed gasses, which I could have learned just as well from an Autococker. As a matter of fact, I would surely know more today than I do if I had started with an autococker, because I wouldn't have wasted time on the simple Spyder.

: Maybe you needed to start with a simple marker, but don't tell me I needed to.

Let me just start off by saying whats wrong with that post:

First of all, the second sentence i said was, "I don't know how good you are". Nowhere in there did i call you a kid are say that you sucked.

Secondly, any good paintball player knows that age doesn't matter, young players can be more athletic, older players can be wiser.

Third: I'm happy you pay for your own gear. It's always good to inform people on that. It shows that your not a bum and your mom doesn't need to hold your hand out on the field.

And as for this sentence, "I make some of my gear. I'm learning to be an airsmith, and when I can afford a lathe, mill, and more time, I'll be making more complex customs." Hellrazor is doing the same thing, and you don't see him getting his panties up in a bunch.

Next: I didn't say you needed to start with a spyder, I believe I said something along the lines of, Everyone needs a starter gun to introduce them into paintball. I don't know if those are the exact words, but you get the point.

Then you said, "The first day I had it, I took it apart and understood how it worked" That proves my point. If you didn't start off with a spyder, you wouldn't have learned how it worked. I said that starting out with a cheap gun will extend your knowledge, and it did.

You then stated that you would know more today if you started out with a cocker. Hows is that? It could have only set you back a day if thats all it took for you to figure a spyder out.

As for the compressed gas dealy, i think you need to relieve some from your head before you have an anurism. I mean honestly, calm down before you blow a nerve.

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