Posted by Dotanuki on September 30, 2002 at 19:43:29:
I just got a new Custom 98 and Flatline barrel. I am looking for suggestions and mods to improve performance I am mostly concerned about the best performance. I was using PowerBall paint last time I use the gun and the pressure was set to about 280. After reading some posts here I wanted to find out what paint combo worked the best with the flatline? Also if the low pressure system would help with accruacy. Another think I noticed was that I seem to have a feed problem where after about 3 or 4 shots the hopper would not feed and I would have to shake the gun to get the next round. Any suggestion on how to fix that? Other than an autofeeder. Also has anyone used the starfire bolt?
Pat Mulligan
08:18:38 10/29/02
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