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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air


In Reply to: FIlling CA from restraunt CO2 posted by Madhead on June 28, 2003 at 00:55:29:

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Posted by:
Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont
on July 11, 2003 at 17:31:44

You CAN overfill a CO2 tank. Otherwise, they wouldn't NEED burst safety disks.

This is how one does it. And it is STUPID in case someone goes, "COOL! Lets Do it!"

All you have to do is chill the tank by venting CO2 out of it. It can get an internal temperature below zero F. Then fill it. You will get a 90% liquid fill or whatever the chart says for that temperature.

Wow, You could play paintball all day.

But the container IMMEDIATELY warms up to the ambient air termperature. The Pressure builds rapidly and something HAS to Give. Hopefully the Burst SAFETY in the CO2 tank. If the burst disk doesn't work, then something else has to give. THAT usually causes shrapnel.....

Does the Restaurant tank have a burst disk?

Overfilling is most often done 'accidently' by someone going to a fill station with 1/2 a tank left and wants to fill it full before they go back out. The Tech just vents the tank which chills it excessively and then just equalizes the pressure instead of weighing the fill.

TWO MISTAKES in a row. Too big a hurry. Rush Rush Rush. That is how most overfills occur. Then you hear the CO2 tank burst disk go off 3-10 minutes later.

You see fields NOT weighing tanks when they fill them and you are at a field that is NOT being run safely.

What is interesting, they guy filling it is HOLDING it in his hand and NOT INFREQUENTLY holding up to his ear which is attached to his HEAD to hear when it stops hissing - indicating it has equalized.

Ditto, in the winter. The tanks come in the store after sitting in the trunk overnight. Or in the parked car until after school. The store fills it a little too full because it is cold and then the run back to the car and stick the tank on the floor board right under the heater vent.

That REALLY pisses the MOM's Off if they survive the auto accident caused by the burst disk going off on the floor next to the driver in rush hour. They should ALWAYS be carried in the trunk or at least as far away from the driver and heaters as practical.

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