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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air

FIlling CA from restraunt CO2

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Posted by:

on June 28, 2003 at 00:55:29

I'm trying to rig up to fill from a 20lbs CO2 tank from a restraunt coke dispenser. I'm guessing that it does not have a siphon tube (can't think of any reason it would need one). I plan to weld a rack together to hold the 20lbs tank upside down safely and the scales all together.
My questions is: Will turning the tank upside down truly be a good enough alternative to having a siphon tube installed.

Further I'd like to pick your brains about how many fills I can really get. Asuming no waste (impossible) a 20lbs tank would give me about 16 fills if I'm filling 20 ounce paintball gun tanks. So...I'm gonna waste some in the hoses and stuff but is there a point when the bulk tank will be so empty that I can't fill a 20 ounce tank even though the bulk tank has a pound or two left in it? Can this happen? I really don't know if they might pressure equalize or something.

My dad is a machinest and works with compressed gasses alot at his job. He tells me that you can't overfill a CO2 tank unless you had a pump presurising the fill. He says that the 20 ounce CA tank will only hold "20 ounces" and that weighing is unnecesary. Since the CO2 is liquid he compares it to filling a 20ounce coke bottle from a 3 liter coke bottle meaning except for the fact that the coke will overflow the container eventually, if you had hoses and valves then you can't overfill the coke bottle. He says that only 20 ounces will fit period. This seems contradictory to the many warnings I've seen saying specifically "not to overfill" the CA tanks.

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