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WARPIG Tech Talk - Air
air america vigilante reg read this b/f you buy 1

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Posted by christian_ "danger_mouse" counasse on October 25, 2002 at 13:01:52:

i got a vigilante reg and it has been nothing but problems... i called them and they were just as useless as the reg.. in short i would like to state that " i wouldn't hit a dog in the a## with that piece of garbage" don't buy one don't look at them and let everyone you know not to screw with them.... just my opinion but i have used centerflags (on my matrixes) angel regs, maxflows, ans regs anyof them are bter than air america.... they seem to have lost sight of the fact that they are around making product b/c we are the customers.. it seems they think it is a priviledge for us to buy from them and that we are in debt to them for using they'retricyclepy products ..... spread the news boys and girls air america products aren't worth squat... tell your friends friend don't let friends use air america

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