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plus.. In Reply to: cuz.... lol .... plus.. posted by Peter__ Jones on November 24, 2003 at 17:50:14:
Posted by: T.J. "Mad Scientist for the Tiger Tank" Allcot on November 24, 2003 at 18:29:11
would it be THAT hard to make a reciever out of aluminum? (in reference to a similar design to tj's new cannon). I'd be more concerned about the cost using aluminum. : also, the reservoir input to the pressure chamber.. I don't think it really matters, we had one hell of an octopus for a pressure chamber on the Tiger's cannon for Spplat 1 and didn't have any problems. Although I cracked this pressure chamber (again with some strange testing hahaha) It worked fine before I managed to break it at the 4" to 2" reducer, it was my 'adjustable volume pressure chamber'; http://www.armoredfistpaintball.com/x-cannon-001.jpg : do they make permanent gauges for this stuff? cuz i know i can get a lil tire pressure thingie and it would do the trick, but it wont mount. i was looking for a dial taht would just stick out from the pressure chamber on the side, in view, ya know? guess this falls under the side loaded air question too.. I've been using gauges that go up to 200 psi from places like Home Depot, Lowes and Sears for my pressure chamber air assemblies. One of my SCUBA adapters has a gauge that goes up to 5000 psi and the welding regs I got have both high and low pressure gauges. Although I still haven't found the proper adapters that will let me hook them up to the standard air fittings. : hmmm and the regulators... would i get a wholesale discount if i wanted like 6 or 8? lol just thinkin for now.. but when i finally go and do this... ill want at least 6 i think.. You know the only time I ever thought of using more than two or three regs (for the whole tank at that) was when I was thinking up a way of shooting off 3 Nerfs a second for as long as I had Nerfs. Sounds very interesting. : also, air sources, what are you guys using? seen the fire extingusher, thats cool! what else though? thought about getting a rental co2 thingie, you know, the huge ones? like 3ft tall or whatever.. anyway, yeah, the extingushers would prolly work almost better than that.. but yeah, lookin for to see what EVERYONES using.. Although I still think having an onboard compressor is cool, the SCUBA tank seems to be the best solution. Pretty much for many of the same reasons why HPA is considered better than CO2 on guns. Most dive shops I've been in sell at least two additional sizes that are smaller than the standard tanks divers wear that might be worth looking into. : guys that have been using nerfs... how many times on avg can you reuse them, taking into account some you cant find, some stolen, some broken, etc... and how many do you carry to a game? how many do you shoot? I really hate to say it but we tend to lose them before they become unusable. I have noticed in testing that they last much longer if you trim the edges of the fins so they're barely touching the inside of the PVC pipe. I don't know exactly how long since I've never counted how many times the trimmed ones were fired but without trimming them I've had a lot get the fins and tail shafts ripped out after the third shot. You can still use them after that but I think the accuracy suffers. : P.S. man, almost forgot! TJ, doin well, army is a LOT better than it was, haha! my 1sg is the coolest! man! great guy! job is cool, get to play around in apache cockpits alot! its fun! LOT of paperwork though, but it comes with working with stuff of that caliber, haha! Good to hear. I'm actually kind of enjoying breaking stuff again even if I can't currently afford much. I've got plenty of stuff left over from other projects that I'm sure I can get this up and running. I'm planning on a combination glue and fiberglass repair on this one before I even consider building a whole new setup.
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