Good point, about mortar fire too.
In Reply to: No chrono limit? posted by T.J. on July 14, 2003 at 15:17:20:
Posted by: Tack on July 14, 2003 at 16:07:45
Thats right, what I was thinking was realy geared twards having a higher velocity limit. Above that wich they put on you when people are on the field, so you could get more range out of the cannons, but like you show on your site (Outstanding site by the way, have been visiting it for years now, Im Dave the same guy who sent ya the link to the onwar.com site with the tank line drawings) So it would have to be figured out what the safe max velocity is for the windows and what not on the tanks, and if any tanks had say open AP turrets on top, they would have to close the hatches, or if that wasnt possible drape lots of netting over them and secure it down somehow so a nerf hit wouldnt enter the crew area and give someone a mike tyson. If tanks are still allowed to use bullet proof or "FRA part 11 approved" lexon windows, they would have to be inspected by someone to make sure that they could take a direct hit, cause I remember your site having pics of some guys tank who used non-lexon and had paintguns shoot their windows out 2 games in a row. Stuff like that would have to be inspected for entry into the Uber Panzer Kombat Fest. But I think it would be neat if promoters had something like that, if spectators could watch it they would probably draw a crowd during the down time before the game, they could even do it on a large speedball field. The mortars would be neat because they have really been nutered for safety reasons, I keep hearing that they arent allowed or can only use paintball-shot shell rounds at a45 degree angle or higher, wich must bounce right off stuff, if it hit a tank who would know even. But the Panzer Kombat Fest would be good cause no players would be on the field, so they could shoot grenade and nerf rounds all game without those restrictions. It sucks too that they are so limited, cause who wouldnt want to call fire on a patrol and wipe em out? Maybee if a nerf was shot via mortar, a ref could just call out anyone within a certain radius, whatever was deemed fair or realistic wichever the field wanted it to be. I mean a falling nerf round, I cant say for sure but I really dont think it could knock a mask off or hurt. That would take a little research to be sure, testing falling nerf rounds (given some sick person of questionable parentage doesnt fill them with rocks or ball bearings) and checking the impact they have at what velocities and angles of attack. Or maybee have buildings at a scenario field roped off for an hour before the game (or while the tanks are kombat festing!) and have the mortar guys drop paint rounds on targets, and get scores for the hits, or shoot at targets they cant see and have foreward observers from their team adjust the fire, the best mortar team gets a trophy and prize also. Velocity is unlimited cause none is physicaly in the target area, even the FO and refs who will be out of the way, and will score hits and elapsed time afterwars or via optics of some kind from a safe distance. |
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