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Growing Pains ./ A Record Turnout. In Reply to: Post your D DAY Comments HERE! posted by Dale on June 09, 2003 at 09:47:01:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on June 09, 2003 at 10:52:13
Some POOR Kid had a full time job unplugging 8 flush toilets for 3,100 registered players plus all the spectators and Vendors. There were porta potties posted throughout the camping area AND on the fields... But
By Sunday Noon your behind would be dipped in marshmallow if you sat down. They were all full and overflowing in the campground areas. FYI, The BEST time to take a shower is during the Awards for Prizes. Had the whole shower to myself and LOTs of hot water. Or get up at 4:30 AM and take one. You try to go at 10 PM you stand in line to take a COLD shower. FYI For the second year in a row, D Day turned into a CO2 event only due to the compressors breaking down. People were scrounging at the field air stations for Nitro Air fills. Many getting only 2000 psi fills again. Better than Last Year though... Many more referees were visible and seemed to be doing their best to call the game well. NO Field ref was seen with a portable chrono. Hot guns continued to be a problem. They DID clock a German Tank Machine Gunner at 450 fps! If memory serves me correctly, tank guns were supposed to be 250 fps. The tank was rechronoed and unfortunately allowed to continue play. The consensus of everyone I talked too was that the tank should have been expelled from the game as a minimun. During the tank on tank game, one German tank was using the special color and fill reserved only for cannon sabot paint rounds. But he was using it out of a machine gun rather than a cannon. A obvious and blatent rule violation that Refs and the entire crowd standing around me observed. Well, that tank was disqualified from winning the individual tank event, but wouldn't you know that it wound up being a german tank that had the fewest ball hits on their kill plate for some reason. Points to the Germans for the tank game. I wonder how that could have happened? Well, I guess the Allies will have to follow their BAD EXAMPLE and play the same way next year during the tank on tank battle. No choice but to play by the Germans rules if they get to make them up with impunity from field discipline. The BIG Complaint you always hear from the Allied is that the Game is Managed Is Initial Set up and Manipulated by Management to ensure that the Germans win every year. More evidence to support the allegation this year. At the reinsertion points on the field for some of the BIG FIGHTS (air field and Charlie Base)only the the GERMAN insertion points had paint and Air fills available. If Allied needed air, they had to walk (400-600 yards) or take a bus to the German Station and then come back to the Allied reinsertion. The result is that Germans only needed 30 minutes to get Air and Paint but Allied had to take an HOUR out of the game to get an Air Refil. Bill Baily, Promotor of the D Day SERIES drove his van down to one the Allied Insertion points to provide air fills at his personal expense to try to remedy the obvious "lack of planning" to provide a fair game. Being on the German Side, I want compliment him and his crew for being a CLASS ACT and taking the time out of play to do that for the Allied. Last year the constant complaint was the German Regulars that come every year ignore the game rules chronically and immune from disciplinary action by referees and management. Getting worse every year according to the Multi year Veterans. Last year, I rode a German bus down to the night game and while riding on it asked everyone on the bus if the Allied players were playing honorably or not. The consensus was nothing more than you see at a regular game. No real complaints or examples of gross and blatent cheating. This year that core of German Vets behaved as usual. The blatent cheating continues. One had a player / referee card and would announce he was comming into do paint checks on Allied positions. When he got into the position he would bunker everyone in it and expect them to vacate the position. Did it several times all day long. Stuff like that REALLY takes the fun OUT of a GAME! Well, It has happened. SOME of Allied are getting so frustrated with that KIND oftricycle going on they they have decided to lower the bar for their play as well. There were several fistfights between Allied and Germans. I personally was shoved and provoked by a German Squad leader and the ref standing there refused to X him for having phyical contact with another player and being physically aggressive. He was trying to get me to swing on him to so I would be ejected by the ref. I polled Germans again this year and the Allies are 'cheating' as well now. Wiping, Putting barrel plugs in when hit by and tank and pulling it out and resuming play after it drives on. The quality of game play was SERIOUSLY DEGRADED this year. I was told the Night game was over as the last Allied bus started to unload. Kind of doubt that but it WAS a very short game. The Germans were once again 'bullet proof' and overrun the base as a result. Our guys had a plan to ambush the line of players reinserting out of the German Reinsertion point. 5 guys opened up on 50 plus players walking down a road all bunched up. They scattered into the woods and NOT ONE walked back to the insertion point. Balls do NOT have to break for the night game. Pretty outrageous again. Veterans know NOT to PLAY the night game. A LOT of people like myself don't see the point of playing that way and boycott it. I didn't go because I'm really frustrated and just might not be able to restrain myself from reciprocating. I was going to observe but even decided not to even witness the debacle again. If enough Allied refuse to play the night game, then maybe something will be done to deal with it.. Other Allied want some payback and go to play the same way. The rest are the first year D Day players and want to participate but have no idea what they are getting into... The night game is a good place for someone with a kid to get really hurt. Last year one DID get hurt. I warned many with young kids to NOT be in the BASE when the Germans Overrun it. So maybe we are making progress getting D Day management to see the light. Enough Allied chose NOT to play the night game that is was over in an hour and a real obvious display of how NOT to run a NIGHT Game!
It was Bigger but is was sure not Better....
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