Re: PB@X tribute to 81 moments in Paintball
In Reply to: PB@X tribute to 81 moments in Paintball posted by on February 06, 2005 at 22:50:01:
Posted by: "Dutch" on March 14, 2005 at 21:41:07
Well I finally did read ---"almost " word for word the "book" on the 81 moments......I must apologize----Bill & Dawn's Warpig was written about & the history behind some of it as well...also The V-Man was mentioned as well...perhaps not as much as needed-but none the less...... also tucked in the middle or there bouts was a disclaimer of PB2X that they dillegenty tried to include everyone but that this was a HUGE task & it was inevitable they would miss some & advanced an apology.....perhaps I cannot apologize ahead of time---but I'll do it now.... It was my mistake to post anything without thoroughly reading all that was there..I'm sorry. : I'm not the greatest 'historian' in the world---& I did'nt read word for word the latest magazine from PB2X-----but--------I don't think I read ANY mention of some GREAT people who have changed or helped mold this sport...... : just my opinion :
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