It was GREAT
In Reply to: Oklahoma D-Day was GREAT posted by Nevets on January 23, 2004 at 07:34:47:
Posted by: "Head Hunter" St. Charles, Mo. suburb of St. Louis on January 23, 2004 at 09:55:27
"If you don't incorporate their ideas then you must not be listening. Because their ideas are perfect. I think everyone one of us knows people like that. Hell, you've been reading some of their posts. Was D-day 2003 absolutely perfect? NO." EVERY GAME has Stuff Happen and NOT Happen. Confusion is common. Players and Refs. I am more than happy to let some stuff slide. Safety is NOT one of them. "Blatent Cheating" such as going out of bounds to maneuver is not one of them. But you can't always find a ref and if you do, they don't always take action. SOMETIMES I AM wrong! Didn't READ the rules carefully, intrepret them correctly, or pay attention at a briefing. And reading between the lines in the rules is an artform. You can find an 'edge' here or there. It is good form to run your 'interpretation' of the rule past the head ref or management. AND if I was WRONG, I say so. Like this post. It is important that I do than being a 'loud mouth' and all. Otherwise I loose credibility. Every game has it's share of problems. Nothing compares with the problems at D Day. I'm not the only voice. I believe the articles in the paintball magazines about 2003 were less than favorable too. I'm not the only person saying there ARE problems that the managment needs to address and the paintball community needs to know if it is a safe game or not. But I AM one of the LOUDEST Voices. Guess that qualifies as a "loud mouth". Fair enough! On the safety issues, I will continue to be LOUD. If the rules say, "there are no out of bounds" then fine. We can play that way. Offensively and defensively. Players that haven't been there before need to KNOW THAT. The purpose of THIS FORUM. We assumed there were boundarys like every other game in the country too. There are LOTS of unwritten rules in play at D Day. We would like for them to be written and posted so we can play by the same set of rules. The 'official rules' are very brief compared to much smaller games. A lot of information exists that is not published. Generally, only the vetrans learn them from playing there. Those that know should share. If you take a poll at the Main Briefing as to how many have been there before, there are VERY FEW on the Allied side. Just Newbies to the game. The Germans have a LOT of Veterans on their side. It is a GREAT FIELD to play on. A unique paintball experience. It HAS problems. Chronic problems that re occur year after year, players call, write, he makes promises, nothing changes next year. The conclusion is, "YES the managment IS NOT LISTENING." You may have noticed the ABSENCE of any public communication from the management to the paintball community to address these issues other than the website. No comment or just NOT LISTENING to the paintball community? You decide for yourself. http://www.oklahomadday.com/files/Dday2003Rules.htm#orientation Under the heading: CHRONOGRAPH/MARKER SPEEDS: I quote: "A majority of the refs will carry hand chronos and will be spot checking speeds throughout the event." EVERYONE that goes just ask every ref you see to hold up his hand held. Every other one should have one right? Then ask if it is the field's or their personal chrono? If you ask 6 refs and only one has a hand held then what does that mean. The 'majority' of the ref DIDN'T have hand held chronos. If the hand held you saw the personal property of that refs, then what does that tell you about the management's WORD on this vital safety issue? The managment didn't FURNISH hand helds to the ref. But if half of the refs you ask DO have hand helds and more than a few were furnished by the field managment then HIS word is GOOD. We have some 100+ players that are going to do just that. You will be getting our report right after the 2004 game. Good,Bad,in between, but certainly LOUD. It isn't up to me to determine the results... |
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