Re: It is OK to 'whine' about SAFETY...
In Reply to: It is OK to 'whine' about SAFETY... posted by Dale on January 12, 2004 at 12:50:25:
Posted by: skunkboy on January 12, 2004 at 16:41:33
: Who has a problem with that? ME, for one. Shut your mouth, you continually spew nonsensical crap from it. You say your wallet will talk, guess what? You are one out of millions, the sport won't miss you when you're gone. You need to look at yourself for safety issues (i.e. your homemade everything)when was the lasttime that a game producer checked your hodge podge of paint spraying gear you use? You know you'll be at DDay, too many other fields have banned you from their events. As to a preplanned outcome to the DDay game, I say hogwash! When the Allies learn to play the field and get some leadership (besides Hangernaid, he does what he should), maybe just MAYBE the Allied can take an objective that makes a difference in the game structure. FBC means nothing to the Germans, the Rocket Site means nothing the Germans. If the Allies would for once take FBA or FBB or the Airfield, the Allies would have the game wrapped up. Without leaders that team will continue to wander around Oklahoma looking for the next spot on the map, instead of planning and executing assaults that will WIN the game. See on the field. |
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