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I agree with Rick here

In Reply to: 500 miles?? Nope! posted by Rick on December 16, 2003 at 17:06:48:

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Posted by:
Tony Jackson

on December 17, 2003 at 08:42:12

My and only my opinions:

I think any distance over 210 miles is probably a stretch. Why 210? I average 70mph, so 3 hours is about my max I would drive, unless there is a vast difference in producers/reasons to drive further.

If the game is within that 210 miles, I believe a CHOICE is not being GIVEN, it is being FORCED.

Personally, I like to hit as many games possible.
Overscheduling in my driving range causes me and others to miss multiple events. I don't think that is fair to any promoter. I also think that the argument of "if we scheduled the game to avoid a conflict, there would be local people who could not attend because they had to work/busy/etc... but could have attended if we had it the same day" is crap, because no matter when a game is scheduled, there are going to be people that will miss it do to prior commitments. But to FORCE a decision, means that there will be an X amount of GUARANTEED people that will miss it, because they went to the other venue.

If i am FORCED to make a decision because games within my driving range have been scheduled at the same time, then I am going to decide based on:
1) Amount of prizes (I like to win free stuff)
2) Camping/on site accomodations
3) Terrain
4) Field size/amount of players touching elbows
5) Paint quality
6) Sponsors/vendors/press opportunity

I believe CHOICE IS GOOD for paintball and players, but not when the CHOICE becomes FORCED due to proximity and overscheduling.
I realize that sometimes, fields dictate dates and promoters dictate dates, but both parties should realize they are going to cause a rift and will not only hurt their event, but the others they are scheduling against.

Perhaps it helps with marketing? As they say, any publicity is good publicity - and by causing a stink, they are getting more publicity, because people in general love reading "dirty laundry".

Just my opinions.

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