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Here is why and times are a changing. In Reply to: Somebody PLEASE Tell Me Why . . . . . posted by _Hollywood_ on December 03, 2003 at 13:02:09:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on December 15, 2003 at 14:39:52
In the PAST every scenerio game producer, vendor, manufacturer, rec field, worked HARD for market share for the players and the players DOLLARS. They fiecely protected their business venture from their competition's inroads. A store that owns a field will let you post a flyer for an out of town game but it is 'lost' about 30 minutes later. Kept their own local players in the dark about other paintball opportunities they might enjoy. Games dates were stategically published to get the word out but not so early to allow someone the prep time to set up a competing game in the same market area on the weekend before... In the PAST games were risky financial ventures. They still are but less so. Many fields would only consider games during their "slow season" late fall, early spring. Didn't want to risk losing the revenue of a beautiful spring weekend when they would have 80 players both days playing rec ball and shut it down for a scenerio game that may not draw 80 players for the weekend... Now like the man said, their are only 12 full moons. No problem. Play without one and we have 52 potential dates a year. Just like the full moon games when it RAINs! Walking around in the dark and can't see your hand in front of your face. Players adapt and turn on their flashlights, hand held spotlights, etc. TIMES are a CHANGING: Two years ago there were 6 games within my driving distance. This year there were 22 in the same radius. I know of 4 area fields that are building or planning to jump on the scenerio band wagon this next year. That should add another 10 games or so. That is a scenerio game every other weekend available for me and every other paintballer in the area. Beyond my budget and ability to pay alimoney and child support that would be the result even if I could afford to play that much... So I can be selective... Picky! So are those games hurting? No. Each year they have a larger and larger turnout. More revenue. Scenerio games are becomming quite 'fashionable'. Word is getting around. Only foul weather kills a game. Roll of the dice... NOW THERE is COMPETITION for players and their limited dollars and time. They are looking for ways to ATTRACT players to one game over another. From Blatent HYPE with no substance. A 'scenerio game' I attended that was just capture the base all weekend long. No missions-No props. Then game that REALLY cater to players wishes and desires and putting on outstanding games. The two BYOP Games got my $MONEY over the Two Field paint only games... Told them so too... I spent the SAME money because I had the CHOICE to pay an extra fee for BYOP or just buy field paint. It is MY DIME and I wanted to give it to them. I just want a choice. This year I got a choice twice.... Hopefully, the field paint only games are re-evaluating that policy... I know one is because he brought crap paint to two games. EVERYONE said they won't be back next year if they have to use HIS paint. The producer has to give us that CHOICE or find some more players to sucker that don't play around here. The later will probably be the case because the fields don't want to sign up for a repeat either. Their deal was they had to buy any left over paint on the truck... NOT.....! 3 months away and that producer has NOT published his first game for 2004. Do the math. Gross Receipts for a Weekend at a field. A 150 player scenerio game dropping $40 on field fees and $60 on a case of paint. $15,000 Open play with 150 players on Sat and Sunday combined each paying a one day $20 field fee and shooting a half case of paint($30). $7,500. Basically the SAME pool of local players plus the out of towners they can draw... With the increased competition, the SMART FIELDS are Networking together to draw players and producing their own games. A Mini Series. A Theme like the Tour of Duty, Terminator 1,2,3. Planet of the APES 1, 2, 3. All a joint venture by several fields. Shared costs on props, referees, equipment, air stations, chrono stations, Script writing, etc. Pooled advertising dollars. They hype each others games. Encourage friendly rivalries between opposing sides and fields. Help arrange car pools, camping areas, special weapons units, command structures, radios, etc so their Team can have an 'edge' persuade that single player to go because people they know will be there. They will pool both fields 'teams' for events like D Day and field a serious number of players that have played together. A percentage of players will go anyway. Why not as a coordinated group. More fun, more action, and more people you know... So NOW is a good time to voice what the players want. Cheaper games are probably NOT in the works but the downward pressure is there and building. The Milita is a network of scenerio PLAYERs and teams. Their goal is to offer a game a 100 player Team to 'Invade a Field near you.' They will take on the 'locals' on their home turf. Bring a lot of props, special weapons, several tanks, etc. to make it something 'special' There is discussion of scripting their own series of games and basically producing it for a field in exchange for reduced players field/paint fees. The $2000+ minimum a producer charges just to drive to a game will buy a lot of paint for 100 players. ($20 a head) That is $40 a case instead of $60. And they are still making some profit off the paint. If it rains, you still have 100 players pre paid to show and most WILL. Part of 'earning' your player discount... But the players would have to EARN it by refing SOME games, Being Officers, Field personnel, building props, etc. Expenses that a producer would normally have overhead to pay for... But it goes to the players for the players. |
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