Take Them to EMR PAINTBALL PARK In Reply to: New York City Ballers posted by NPauly on November 05, 2003 at 01:23:31:
Posted by: Dragoniis on November 11, 2003 at 13:05:11
If you want to put together a great roadtrip for your club or bus trip, check out EMR Paintball Park in New Milford, PA. It's only about 2 1/2 hours from NYC. FREE bunkhouses, Great fields, Great Staff, and the owner BLUE is real easy to work with. Check them out at www.emrpaintball.com . And definately do not miss the Spring CASTLE CONQUEST next April 24th, 2004. Pure Paintball Insanity. : I recently moved from Florida to New York City and since moving I have been faced with a problem, NYC is not at all an ideal home for a paintballer. : I figure I'm faced with two options, I can either (1) not play as much / give up paintball all together or (2) I can take matters into my own hands. Now I've never been one to sit on the sidelines so I've decided to choose the latter option -- did I really have a choice? ;) : As part of my solution, I've started a new paintball related web site specifically for NYC and it's surrounding areas. I'm hoping to develop the site into a (non-profit) club with member discounts and tournaments. Everything is just getting started and the site is very fresh, but I promise it's going to get much much better. : If you're interested please feel free to check it out! :) : http://www.nycpaintball.com : Thanks ...
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