CASTLE CONQUEST ... Pub Crawling
Posted by: Colin Andrzejczyk on September 10, 2003 at 19:57:48
soon Pub Crawling will attempt to crush the hopes of the pump defenders... Pub Crawling ... successful defenders of the castle 2x, understands the difficulty in the task.. but realizes defense is possible... HOW ARE YOU PARTICIPATING are you joining US or are you with THEM THIS IS THE GAME www.emrpaintball.com this castle is amazing....a feat of paintball legend...in years to come you will be proud to say you were at this game...and EMR will provide you with a paintball experience you will NEED to relive...again and again and again...30000 square feet of MAYHEM...if you don't know it, you must be there and if you do know it...i know we will see you there... PUMPS VERSUS SEMIS I know you have an opinion...Come help state your argument... September 27, 2003
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