I'll share my experiences. In Reply to: Questions Concerning Scenario Teams (Creation, Etc posted by Roedog on September 07, 2003 at 01:01:02:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on September 07, 2003 at 12:03:06
The first hurdle is simply that I can't find 5 people that want to make the committment to play a schedule of published game dates. Life, bills, wives, jobs, $Money, gets in the way. So I have a 'Pool' of some 25 scenerio/rec players that make a few games a year. Lucky to get 3-4 any given weekend event. Some of them are over a hundred miles away but will travel to a game. I recuit constantly to build up the pool and hopefully will generate a core squad of people that play regularly. Then we will start training and playing. Most of the current field training is AT the scenerio games. We email before a game to plan what skills we are going to emphasize working at during the game. Have a couple of people with military combat training. Done the how to cross a road drill. Who engages and who moves when contact is made. We downloaded written materials on military combat techniques we send to people to read and digest. Want to make your life harder? Get a sponsor for your team.... I just landed one at a local paintball store and I don't really have a "Team". The deal we struck was I give him a list of my "team" pool of players. Those that pre register for a game along with me get their names sent to the store. They send me checks and signed waivers and I send in with the Team Registration. Just staple the checks to the paperwork. If it bounces it isn't my problem and they won't play at the game until it is made good. Between the pre-registration and game date they can get the store discounts for gear and supplies. About 10% off retail. For the team members that reside out of town, They can send me a check or Pay Pal and I will do some shopping for them and bring it to the game. People that go get the benefits in exchange for performing their duties as a sponsored team. In exchange, we plant a banner advertizing their store and field at the game. Wear logo hats and jerseys in the staging areas (we buy at cost). We of course have to play with class and style since we represent a store and field. Bad field/game weekend behavior will get them suspended or kicked off the "team list". Keeps our play up to standard. We are trying to develop seveal players that will pool technology and plans to make special weaponry. Hopefully, we will wind up with seveal mines, RPGs, Flash Bangs that we can let other team members use when we just want to shoot our markers. If they have fun with it, they can build one of their own. Maybe even a tank in the works. A drivable/towable 90 Dodge Grand Caravan. Here we are going to formalize a financial arrangement to share costs. Legally binding arrangements. The share owners names will go onto the title. They can sell their share to someone else for whatever they can get or just walk away by signing the back of the title. We are working towards a goal of a Website to help us recuit scenerio players and for scenerio players to hook up with others in their local area to form groups much like yours. And maybe hook up at a game from time to time. Kind of like we did below this year. Just use the website to network a little more. We call ourselves "The Milita" I am the self appointed head of the St. Louis Company of the Militia. We have an self appointed "Supreme Commander" for the European Militia too. A guy from Norway. A lot of tongue in cheek self appointed titles. But gives us some way of having local identies while being part of a larger organization of players. If someone wants to take the inititive to get some local players organized. He/She can give themselves any title they want.. In the meantime, we are networking with 4 local (150 mile radius) field owners that have scenerio games and bring their local players to join with us at each other games. Good for business and the sport. Specifically, D Day. We had some 25 players drawn from some 4 fields to sign up in Mass for D Day. We WERE the French Resistance that caused so much grief for the Germans this year. Really pissed off a bunch of Germans by disrupting their game as usual plans. Going as a organized group and camping together really made it worthwhile and fun regardless of all thetricycle that happens at D Day every year. It just takes an understanding thattricycle will happen and decide to have fun anyway and not get bent out of shape. We had 1 tank, and a dozen RPGs for people to use if they wanted. So people got to play with some special weaponry and try things they wouldn't otherwise have the chance to do. So E mail me. You have a formal invitation to join the Militia. Contribute what you can, when you can. Everything we have is yours for the asking like how to build RPGs, tanks, zilencers, auto rangefinders, remote detonated satchel charges, Flash Bangs, etc. Anybody can join the Militia. ddupont@charter.net
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