I've met some of his player refs. It works!
In Reply to: Preventing cheating posted by Clayphoto on August 17, 2003 at 23:21:23:
Posted by: Dale "Head_Hunters" DuPont on August 24, 2003 at 12:00:27
I was stalking up thought the woods at his field and one got the first shots on me. Dove for cover and had got bounces. It started trading paint and shortly got him. All I got was spray from his balls breaking in the brush. HE didn't believe he didn't get a break on me in the first exchange. He did have me dead to rights. He pulled out the card and came up for a paint check. While he was checking me, I pointed out a hit on my hopper ball chute and asked if that was his fill color. It was. I told him I would take the tag. He said I could stay in because I had no way of knowing the hit and it was small anyway and could have been a splatter since I was covered with spray. I told him he should have HAD me anyway and took the tag. But one thing is for sure after meeting one on the field of play. I wouldn't even consider cheating. An his local crowd plays the same way. A bunch of honorable players and a joy to play on the field. |
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