In the U.S., subscription rates are $27.00 for one year. Single copies $3.95 plus $1.00 shipping and handling. Canada and foreign countries add $10.00 per year.
APG is the most widely known paintball magazine. It is an ideal magazine for beginners and intermediate recreational players. APG also serves as a handy mail order catalog, as all major paintball retailers advertise in this magazine.
APG regularly includes:
Subscription rate is $19.95 for a one-year subscription (12 issues). In Canada and Mexico, $26.95 and all other countries $37.95. Back issues are $2 per issue ($3 outside the U.S.).
PCRI is highly regarded for its unbiased testing and evaluation of paintball guns and assessors.
PCRI regularly includes:
Paintball Action in Australia and New Zealand, the southern Hemisphere's hottest paintball sports magazine is published every two months.
Phone: (302) 369-2711
Fax: (302) 369-2713
Cover price: $3.95 US, #2.95 UK, $4.95 Canada.
This large format (14.5" x 11") magazine is published monthly, and carries articles on the latest gear. Included in the magazine is the "splat seen zine", a section dedicated to the teen players who are up and coming in paintball, and a paintball gear guide, with directory style specifications on numerous paintball products.
(914) 241-7400
Fax: (914) 241-2869
Subscription rates in USA: One year $28.75. Single copy price in the U.S. $3.50.
Paintball Sports regularly carries news from the tournament circuit, as well as "player" oriented articles.
PBS regularly includes:
Subscription rate in the UK is 25 pounds, Europe is 34 pounds, the rest of the world is 43 pounds. B.F.P.O.: 25.5 pounds.
PGI is a highly respected paintball magazine that is becoming increasingly popular in the United States. The UK publication is considered by many to be the highest quality paintball magazine in print.
Regular features:
Single Issue price is $8.95, One year subscription (12 issues): $19 US.
Paintball Industry is a trade magazine for businesses involved in paintball,
and related action sports which may have a cross-over customer base.
Topics covered in Paintball Industry include:
Single Issue price is free at fields and stores, One year subscription (26 issues): $35 US.
Paintball News is published twice a month, in a 14" x 11.5" newspaper format, with each issue approximately 40 pages in length. It is available free from fields and stores around the US, or by direct mail subscription.
Paintball News features:
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Corinthian Media Services. WARPIG's webmasters can be reached through our feedback form. All articles and images are copyrighted and may not be redistributed without the written permission of their original creators and Corinthian Media Services. The WARPIG paintball page is a collection of information and pointers to sources from around the internet and other locations. As such, Corinthian Media Services makes no claims to the trustworthiness or reliability of said information. The information contained in, and referenced by WARPIG, should not be used as a substitute for safety information from trained professionals in the paintball industry. |