Bad Boyz Toyz'
WARPIG Roast and Sale
and Sale is an annual blow-out at Bad Boyz Toyz Lansing store. Free
food, the coolest people in paintball, and insanely low prices make it
a weekend party not to be missed.
WHEN: 10-8:30 Friday
Sept 7, 10-7:30 Saturday Sept 8, 10-5 Sunday, Sept 9. Free roast
pork dinner Saturday evening.
WHERE: Bad Boyz Toyz
- 17913 S. Torrence Ave. Lansing, IL 60438. See the Bad
Boyz Toyz web site for directions. BBT is a fully equipped paintball
store with everything you need for the sport as well as a full skate boarding,
snow boarding and clothing department.
Bill and Dawn Mills of
- Dine on a tasty free pork dinner with Dawn and Bill. Have a burning
tech question for Bill (AKA pigtech in WARPIG's Tech Talk forum)?
Get it answered, and get help choosing the gear that's right for you, at
amazingly low prices. |
Dave and Rhonda Youngblood
- Youngblood is a legendary pro paintball player from the SC Ironmen.
He and Rhonda own and run DYE Precision. Check out all of the DYE
product line - Sticky Grips, Boomstick barrels, Xcel barrles, Izon sights
and more all at unheard of low prices. |
Renick Miller - Retired
captain of World Champions, Aftershock, Renick is going crazy with the
price gun marking down everything in the store from paintguns, paint and
accessories, to full player packages. New stuff, used stuff, it doesn't
matter - the prices just keep getting lower! The stuff that's been
sitting in a box in the back of the storeroom will go for next to nothing! |
Bryon Benini - World Class
pro player from the SC Ironmen and co producer of the astounding paintball
documentary, PUSH. Bryon will be showcasing the all new DYE Invision
goggle system.
Todd and Tami Adamson -
Owners of Extreme Rage paintball products, Todd is captain of the World
Champion team, Aftershock. Tami plays for the Family and Femmes Fatale.
Extreme Rage Paqs, backpacks, and gear will all be heavily discounted. |
Tom Kaye - President and
founder of Airgun Designs, designer of the Automag. Get the latest
scoop from Tom on the E-Mag, Flatline 4,500 psi air systems, and the new
Shocktech SFL E-Mag. All AGD products will be on sale. |
Danny Love - Legendary Shocktech
airsmith and pro player for Aftershock. Get quotes on discounted
custom work for your 'Cocker, 'Mag, Shocker, Matrix or other paintgun. |
Dave Freeman - The father
of modern paintball (co founder of PMI) and one mean pig cutting S.O.B.
In addition to deeply discounting all of the PMI products at the sale,
Dave will be butchering the slow roasted pigs with Dawn Mills for the Free
(yes, we'll say it again in case you missed it) free roast pork dinner
on Saturday night.
Paintball Junkies spokes
model - she'll smile, wave and give you an incredible deal on Paintball
Junkies jerseys, pants and gear.
Matt Davis - pro player
from Jax Warriors and one of the coolest people in the game. |
Aftershock - members of
the World Champion pro team, including Ryan Williams, Mark McManus, Mike
Bruno, Billy Ceranski, Greg Pozzi, and more. Hey, there's free food,
they'll show up. |
The Shocktech Crew - the
usual gang of hooligans found at Bad Boyz and tournaments around the world
providing the full line of Shocktech custom paintguns and accessories. |
SUMMARY - Free food!
Cool People! Unbeatable prices! Don't miss it!
